Thursday, October 27, 2011

Junior Research Fellowships 2012 Arts and Sciences - UK

Junior Research Fellowships 2012

The three Colleges propose, provided that suitable candidates present themselves, to elect in cooperation up to eleven Junior Research Fellows, four at Christ Church, four at St John’s and three at Merton, tenable from 1 October 2012. This date may be brought forward to 1 September in exceptional cases, to accommodate family circumstances; if so, the terminal date would be adjusted accordingly. Junior Research Fellows are expected to undertake research in some branch of arts, science or education. Successful candidates will be based primarily at Christ Church, Merton or St John’s College (see Lists A, B and C below). Fellows must engage in original research and may, with the permission of the appropriate Governing Body, undertake a limited amount of teaching.

Christ Church intends, so far as practicable, to elect equal numbers of Junior Research Fellows in Arts and Science subjects. Merton would hope to elect at least one Junior Research Fellow in the Arts and one in a Science subject. St John’s proposes to elect two JRFs in the Arts and two in the Sciences. Applications will be allocated amongst the Colleges this year by subject as specified in lists A, B and C below. Interdisciplinary applications and applications in subjects not listed will be allocated at the discretion of the Colleges. No subject is considered ineligible. Candidates for each subject will be considered by only one of the three Colleges.

Junior Research Fellowships are tenable for three years. At Christ Church and St John’s the Fellowships may be extended for a further year. The purpose of the extension is to enable the Fellow to get the full benefit of the opportunity, which the Fellowship offers to develop his or her early career by completing a research project, without embarking upon a medium-term or permanent appointment. Having taken account of the Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, the colleges would not regard such an extension as entitling the Fellow to permanent employment on the following objective grounds:
(a) It is the colleges’ policy that Junior Research Fellowships should provide opportunities for academics at the beginning of their careers;
(b) In order to achieve a turnover of appointments in a wide range of subjects so that this policy can continue into the future for a succession of academics at this stage of their careers, it is an essential feature of these Fellowships that they are limited in duration.

Candidates should:
 have an excellent educational record; The successful candidate must have a good Honours degree (either First or 2:1), or for EU/international students a qualification equivalent to a good Honours degree;

 be approaching the end of their doctoral research or have begun post-doctoral study;

 have research expertise in their chosen field as demonstrated by a completed doctoral thesis and/or published or forthcoming books, or articles in refereed journals, as relevant to the candidate’s field; or promise of such achievement, as relevant to the candidate’s field;

 have the ability to present research findings effectively to fellow professionals at national and international conferences or in professional research seminars;

 have a coherent plan of research for the duration of the Fellowship which can either be the further development of the doctoral work or an entirely new area and which promises to make a valuable contribution to the candidate’s field;

 if the research project is laboratory based, provide a letter of support from the host department confirming that laboratory space can be provided without cost to the college.

Successful candidates will be expected to contribute fully to the life of the College.
Candidates will not normally be considered who:
(i) on 1 October 2012 will have accumulated more than six years of full-time graduate study and/or research: including Masters courses (taught or research) as well as doctoral, post-doctoral or other research following their first degree, but excluding periods of professional training or preparation for a second undergraduate degree. A candidate who feels that there are special factors that should be brought to the College’s attention should state them briefly in the application;

(ii) have already held a comparable appointment at a College in the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge.

Annual emoluments, subject to periodical review, are currently £21,021. This figure will normally be adjusted if the Fellow is in receipt of other emoluments. A Junior Research Fellow is entitled to single College accommodation (subject to availability) or to a housing allowance (the sum is determined by each College); partnered accommodation may be available (for details contact the relevant College). Successful applicants will normally be required to spend most of their time in Oxford during the tenure of their Fellowship.
Fellows at St. John’s and Merton are entitled to free lunches and dinners at High Table; Fellows at Christ Church are entitled to subsidized lunches and free dinners at High Table. Other allowances (including University fees) and facilities are offered at the discretion of the Governing Bodies. A Junior Research Fellow may be permitted to undertake teaching up to a maximum of six hours a week during full term. The understanding is that Christ Church, St John’s and Merton will have first refusal of any teaching offered by a Junior Research Fellow.

Allocation of applications to the Colleges will be made by the College authorities in consultation. Applicants should not attempt to indicate any preference for a College. Applicants whose subjects might be thought to fall into more than one of the subject areas listed (e.g. Economics/Mathematics, Philosophy/Theology) are asked to indicate this fact in their application and are invited to draw the attention of the College authorities to factors which they consider relevant to the classification of 3

their research project. No subject of study is considered to be ineligible and all applications will be given careful consideration.

Applications, original plus one copy, using the form provided, should be sent to the person specified at the College listing the candidate’s subject. Please do not bind or staple any part of your application, but do number pages consecutively. If a subject is not included in the lists, the application may be sent to any of the Colleges for allocation. Envelopes should be marked ‘JRFs’. Please remember to include a completed recruitment monitoring form with the application.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 9th December 2011. Late applications will not be accepted.
Every candidate is asked to name two referees and to ask them to write directly to the person specified at the College of application by 9th December 2011. Candidates are responsible for ensuring that references arrive on time, and should give referees enough time to write in their support. The Colleges are grateful to referees for their assistance; they hope that they will understand the impracticability of acknowledging receipt of referees’ letters.
Shortlisting, interviewing and appointing procedures will be conducted separately in late February and early March 2012. Interview dates will be published in due course on the relevant college websites.
The policy and practice of the University of Oxford require that all staff are afforded equal opportunities within employment and that entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or her sex, marital status, sexual orientation, racial group, age or disability.
All three Colleges offer maternity leave provision comparable to the University’s. Further details are available on request. The Colleges have access to the University nursery facilities.

Applications will be accepted only if made on the enclosed application form and must be received by the deadline of 12 noon on 9th December 2011. E-mailed or faxed applications will not be accepted. Late applications will not be considered.
E-mailed references will only be accepted if they are sent in the form of a scanned copy of a letter which must include a signature.
The appointment will be subject to the provision of proof of the right to work in the UK.
Applicants who would need a work visa if appointed to the post are asked to note that under the UK’s new points-based migration system they will need to demonstrate that they have sufficient points, and in particular that:
(i) they have sufficient English language skills (evidenced by having passed a test in basic English, or coming from a majority English-speaking country, or having taken a degree taught in English) 4 and (ii) that they have sufficient funds to maintain themselves and any dependants until they receive their first salary payment. 
Further information is available at:

List A The JRF Administrator, Warden’s Office, Merton College, Oxford OX1 4JD
Tel: 01865 286316/276352 Fax: 01865 276282
Modern Languages 
Physiology & Medicine
List B The Academic Administrator, St John’s College, Oxford OX1 3JP
Tel: 01865 277316 Fax: 01865 277435
Modern History 
Music Biology
List C The JRF Administrator, Censors’ Office, Christ Church,
Oxford OX1 1DP
Tel: 01865 286574 Fax: 01865 276488
Computer Science
Classics (including Materials Science
Ancient History) 

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